The Way You Stare

There’s something bothering me,
My mind just keeps on thinking,
The way you stare at me,
I wonder does it mean something?

There is something about your stare,
That troubles me a lot,
I want to know if it meant something,
This question just keep spinning on my mind!

I can barely stop thinking,
“Am I crazy in love with you?”
I can’t sleep,
I can’t answer this puzzle…

But I don’t want to give up,
I want to find the answers!
I’ll stay like this…
If my questions are never answered…

When I Just Do

Just seeing you,
I feel happy,
Just talking to you,
I feel glad,
When I’m sad or angry,
I want to see you,
To talk to you!
Because my loneliness,
My anger,

I don’t know why I feel it,
My friends ask me…
If I like you or not,
But I don’t know how to answer!
Because I really don’t know,
When I see you,
And talk to you,
I’m so happy!
I just do feel it…
If I don’t see or just talk to you,
I’m uneasy,
lonely and worried of you!

Am I Falling for You

Something is on my mind,
It’s been on my mind for a while now!
I’m not sure about my feelings,
I don’t know what to think of you!
You’re my friend,
One of my best friends too,
But I feel that I’m very drawn to you,
My other friends ask me:
“Are you sure that you’re just friends?”
I always answer the same:
We don’t look at each other as more than friends.”
I ask myself:
“Am I falling for you?”
I really wonder about it…
I really want to know the answer,
This question just keeps on spinning in my head,
Can anyone answer this question of mine?
I’m desperate to know the truth,
If I’m really in love with you,
Once again I ask myself:
“Am I really falling for you?”

Forbidden Love

My dear friend,
You love him so much,
And he also loves you back!
Up until now,
You still,
And will always love him.
But it’s so sad,
That your love is forbidden,
Indeed it’s forbidden!
By who,
You ask…
By your family!
No matter how much you love each other,
It doesn’t change that it’s forbidden!
But don’t worry,
He made a promise to you…
His promise that he’ll wait
Is sweet,
That’s why you should not lose hope!
There is a chance that your love might be let.